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Fat Transfer

Fat transfer in Turkey Istanbul is one type of plastic surgery that is based on transferring fat from an unwanted body area and re-injecting it in other body areas for many purposes such as for tightening the skin and getting rid of wrinkles and deep scars.

Fat can also be transferred to the buttocks area to obtain a more consistent appearance with the body. Men may transfer fat to enlarge the penis. The procedure can be performed within 2 to 3 hours according to each case under full anesthesia and a one-night stay in the hospital is required.


How is fat transfer (Lipofilling) done in Turkey

Usually the Lipofilling process is related to liposuction so that non-autologous fat cannot be used. After determining the purpose of fat injection, whether it is for the face or other body areas, liposuction areas are determined by simple lines that help the surgeon more. The body is completely anesthetized and then the fat is extracted through tiny tubes that start in the person’s body through incisions that do not exceed 0.5cm and end through a suction device. The extracted fat is purified from the impurities and then injected into the target to be treated.


Who can undergo fat transfer in Turkey

  • Healthy body.

  • Up 20 years old.

  • Who feels dissatisfied because of some skin problems on the face, such as deep wrinkles or scars that the filler cannot treat.

  • Girls who want a tight butt and consistent with the shape of the body.

  • Men who wish to undergo penis enlargement are eligible for fat transfer .


Who can not undergo fat transfer

  • Age less than 20 years old

  • Suffering from a chronic or contagious disease.

  • Who has skin problems that can be solved by non-surgical solutions, such as fillers & lasers.


The doctor who performs fat transfer 

The procedure performed by a plastic surgeon who has sufficient experience to perform this type of operation. No doctor from another specialty can perform Lipofilling. It is taken into account when choosing a hospital or medical center to investigate a reliable center, a clinical environment with a high degree of sterilization, and a highly qualified doctor. The high cost of the procedure may sometimes reflect the center’s high efficiency and credibility, so it is preferable not to discuss or bargain on the issue of the high price.

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