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Birth Control Implant

Birth control implant in turkey The contraceptive patch under the skin is one of the most used birth control methods in Turkey and the world recently. It is in the form of a thin cylinder with a soft structure, 4 cm long, which is placed under the skin. After insertion, the implant does not dissolve in the body. The purpose of this implant under the skin is to prevent pregnancy by stopping the release of eggs into the body or by preventing the passage of sperm into the uterus. Its effectiveness lasts for an average of 3 years, as after 3 years it must be replaced with a new chip. This procedure can be repeated from the period of the menstrual cycle until the menopause optionally by the patient, that is, the length of the fertility period.


Birth control methods

Birth control methods in Turkey can be classified under several main headings:


Contraceptive pills

This method is the most preferred. With these pills certain hormones are given to the body and must be taken daily. There is a risk of pregnancy if it is not taken.


Intrauterine device

It is a device that the doctor places in the cervix that prevents sperm from entering the fallopian tubes. When it is removed, pregnancy may occur.



These injections, which take place once a month or every three months, contain hormones that prevent the formation of eggs, thicken cervical secretions, and prevent sperm from reaching the uterus.


Tubal ligation

It is the surgical connection of the tubes between the ovaries and the uterus, and it is considered one of the permanent and final methods.


Subcutaneous contraceptive chip

It is one of the methods of birth control that has gained popularity in recent times and is preferred by obstetricians. This implant is placed in the form of a tube under the skin with contraceptive chip technology. Protection is available for up to 3 years. When it is removed, pregnancy can occur. Below we will tell you all about the subcutaneous strip and NEXPLANON.


Doctor who performs the contraceptive chip

This procedure is performed by obstetricians and gynecologists only, and no other doctor can perform this procedure. And to get a good result, you must choose a successful doctor and medical center.


Contraceptive implant procedure steps in Turkey

It must be inserted and removed by a physician highly experienced for the procedure. The doctor will decide the appropriate time for the procedure after examining the patient. Local anesthesia is used in the procedure. The arm that is used less often in daily life is mostly preferred. It should be applied between the first and fifth day of the menstrual period.


Subcutaneous placement of Nexplanon

  • The person lies on his back during this process.

  • Fold the arm towards the head.

  • The implant is placed under the skin by choosing the arm that you do not overuse.

  • The place determined by the doctor is disinfected first and then local anesthesia is applied.

  • The needle is inserted directly under the skin parallel to it.

  • The doctor unlocks the lock and pulls the needle back so that the needle comes out and the implant stays inside.

  • The doctor checks whether the implant is placed correctly by touching it with the hand, and if it is placed correctly, a tight bandage is applied to prevent bruising and it can be removed for 24 hours and another small tape can be removed after 2-3 days.

  • Finally, the doctor will give you a card containing the location of the subcutaneous implant, the time it was performed and the dates it must be removed. You must keep this card.

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